

Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis takes runtime information from an application’s production. environment and provides this information contextually in the Codecov dashboard and in the Codecov pull request comment. Now, in any pull …

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Source Code Coverage

Codecov makes it easy to see absolute coverage and coverage changes overlayed with your source code, making it even easier to identify needed test areas.

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Multi Language, Multi CI/CD

Regardless of what languages or CI/CDs you use, we can process your code coverage uploads against your entire project. Codecov just works out of the box.

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Pull Request Comments

Get a summary of coverage information directly in your workflow so that you can add and update tests quickly and effectively.

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Status Checks

Block underperforming pull requests from being merged with status checks. No more indecision if a code change has enough test coverage.

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A Codecov badge is a live icon that is displayed within your code host that gives you a glance into the status of your project’s percentage of code coverage. It’s …

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Report Merging

Do you generate multiple coverage reports? Codecov can handle merging them seamlessly, whether you upload multiple reports at once or across different CI/CDs

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Do you split your testing between your frontend and backend? Maybe collect coverage by project in a monorepository? You can isolate coverage information based on groupings using Codecov Flags.

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Customize Codecov’s behavior with a developer friendly YAML file that can conform to even the most complex codebases and workflows.

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Carryforward Flags

Don’t run your entire test suite on every commit? Use Carryforward Flags to get consistent coverage metrics, even when you don’t upload all coverage reports.

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GitHub Checks

Want to see uncovered lines directly on a GitHub pull request? Our GitHub Checks feature shows you line-by-line coverage so you can stay in your workflow.

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Get notified of coverage changes on Slack, Gitter, or any other IRC-compatible service.

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